Explore Jafaria School

Jafaria School of Central New Jersey was established in order to build a brighter future for the children of our community. Having established ourselves in this society, it became imperative that we instill Islamic values in our children, so that they may grow up to be exemplary members of society whilst upholding the principles of Islam.

Our Legacy
Founded in the year 1998, the school has flourished from being run out of a simple house with a handful of students, to the burgeoning institution that it is today, being housed in state-of-the-art classroom facilities, capable of serving the needs of our 200+ student body.

Under the leadership of the principal and a dedicated staff of over 40 volunteers & teachers who generously and selflessly sacrifice their time, the school has been open every Sunday from September to June, for the past 22+ years, providing a quality Islamic education to children from preschool through high school ages, spanning 13 grade levels.

A Work In Progress...
Construction of the new school building began in 2019.
When COVID hit, and while our school went remote, due to social distancing restrictions, construction continued.

The Future is here...
Masjid-e-Ali has since completed the construction of a new state-of-the-art school building. To accommodate the growing needs of our school population, this building houses a library, gymnasium, cafeteria, conferences rooms and offices.
The school opened its doors in September 2023.